Sunday 25 November 2012

Essex Bolts

Despite having to jump through hoops for the Uni, some friends and I are setting up our very own running crew. Now most people think "urgh; crew" it should just be a normal club-- we're not in the 'hood'.

Running really is a complete life style. What you learn on a run, you can apply to your life and the hurdles you face, really can be tackled. On a run you have time to think, breathe, take time out and if you want get back to the raw material of yourself. Focus on your breathing, how your body feels, how you feel emotionally and how fluidly you move along your route. Unplug to plug in. No music, no pacers, just run!

Firstly, please get some other views than crews belong in the hood or the ghetto. Really that's just ignorant stereotyping! :P

Secondly, it's NOT a club. I use the word crew because it's another word for family. I want to create a group where everyone feels like they belong, whether they like metal music or classical, whether you are from India or England. I want to create a community where everyone feels safe, welcome and happy so we can all do something we love: run. Running inspires focus, gumption and self-worth and I want people to have a place where they inspire themselves and others. I want people to have a goal that they never thought was possible and I want to see them work to achieve it!

So, if you want to lurk about for 30 minutes (to start with) once a week then have a little looksie:


If you are relatively fit, or haven't left the sofa for around 3 years then this group is for you! :) We'll start you off with a walk/run programme, in a group lead by one of our more experienced runners for about 30 minutes.

TORTOISES >10 min/miles: 

Slow and steady wins the race... But to be in this group you need to be able to run at least 30 minutes without stopping! Your average pace is 10 minutes or more! ;)

HARES 9- 10 min/miles:

Run rabbit run! Okay so you can run fast but comfortably. You've paid the odds for a bad ass pair of kicks that let you glide down the road and you like to push yourself to be faster, but this pace feels natural for your body. :)

GREYHOUNDS 8-9  min/miles:

Ahh my Lycra clad Gazelles you literally leap down the road with ease at this pace. Your effort is there but you can take in the views and do an all out sprint for the finish line just to show off a bit! ;)

CHEETAHS 7-8  min/miles:

Sadly, this is a group I will never be in. In fact I doubt I'll ever move past the Hares, but hey-- I was built for distance not speed (despite having the endurance of a corpse!)...

If you're in this group, I will forever want to be you-- I will admire your skill to sprint long distances whilst I trot along at a leisurely pace. In this group you can focus on the wind whistling in your ears as you speed down the road! :P

ELITE Sub 7 min/miles: 

Whoa!! If you're in this group I will neither think you are human nor ungodly! You are more than just a MOBOT. YOU are a mash up of Usain Bolt and Mo Farah and you fly through any route you do, even having the ability to complete a sub 1.30 Half Marathon! You my friend, will be the awe of all runners. :D

So what is this new running Crew called, I hear you shout?! Well we are the Essex Bolts. We're a family first and foremost, so if you're only out to improve yourself then this group is not for you. We train hard and play hard and we are always there to help support and encourage each other! :)

Possible Women's vests: Personalised Nickname on the back! ;)

If you fancy giving running a shot, and you want to come along to a session (Not yet started--Blame the SU) then come and join us on our facebook page! :)

Cate x


  1. Brilliant idea! Good luck with it!

  2. Thank you! I really hope we can get the group approved! It seems that running provides so many people with an outlet for life! =)
