Friday 21 October 2011

Operation Fit and Fabulous!

So for the last couple of weeks we've been setting out on our little missions and  here it the basic round- up of how I've been doing...........

Me and My friend Emily... Feeling Fabulous at Pendulum!

  1.  Body brushing: CHECK!! This has changed my skin, making it smoother and softer and it now absorbs moisturiser more easily.

  2. Drinking Water: CHECK! I actually easily do my 8 glasses a day and more if I'm exercising!

  3. 5 a day: CHECK! I'm a 5 a day girl anyway-- veg comes with dinner and I tend to snack on fruit!

  4. Diary: Hmmm maybe not so much at this: I'm not only terrified of what will come out but I just can't seem to make time in the mornings to do it!! I'll keep at it though!

  5. Making time for me: Uhhh sort of! I do make time for me where I get to watch some tv or go for a walk but I can't seem to shake the feeling that I'm wasting time- like I should be doing things with more worth!

  6. Snazzing it up: I LOVE LOVE LOVE cooking! So I got inspired by watching Jamie's Food Revolution (the man's a genius) and found some absolutely wonderful recipes online, including currys, roasts, pastas and the best part? They were ALL low in fats!

How am I feeling then? Overall I feel good. I've struggled with parts and picking up running again has made whole hell of  a difference! I feel like I know I can achieve something-- but it will take work. I was absolutely horrified by my measurements last week (hey I'm 20, I'm allowed to freak out!) but already I've seen a change so I'm soaring on that at the moment! I am struggling to keep up with the journal but I think as long as I can jot down my main feelings whenever possible then I'll get the gyst of my journey when I look back... And I'm sure that when I do I'll remember how I felt at every moment!!!

Products I love: WELEDA cellulite oil-- who new that something could (not eradicate) but minimise almost completely that horrid orange peel that we all suffer from at least once in our lives?! Well there you go: use this and I can tell you-- you'll be donning your short in December just to show off your pins!!

I really just want to say thanks to all the Fit and Fabulous girlies for rallying round when I fell off the wagon or went off the rails a bit: could not have made it this far without my cheerleaders!! I love you all! ;)

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