Thursday 13 October 2011

Hitting Myself Hard!

Okay so the title makes me sound self abusive and apparently I am... just not physically. This week around campus I've notice more and more girls who seem really happy.. But are nowhere near my size. So I figured what better way to motivate myself to get off my backside and DO something than to spend £60 on the campus gym and £70 on a new pair of running shoes? Let's face it: no student is crazy enough to spend that kind of money without putting it to good use! I mean really that's £130 I could waste if I didn't use it!!!

So I have a confession to make. I haven't exactly been on the ball with operation Fit and Fabulous. With moving in and trying to make friends and all that partying in my first week, my emotions were all over the place! So to kick start myself I went running and was horrified to realise that I could only run outdoors for 20 minutes before nearly passing out! I used to be able to run for 40 on a treadmill! So I'm really angry with myself, for not being able to do something that I could do just last April in a gym! Anyway, if the truth be known, I've been keeping up with the water and body brushing and diary of Operation Fit and Fabulous but I'm too scared to take my measurements. I literally HATE looking at myself in the mirror and I'm really glad that my room at uni only has a small mirror at head height.

So something makes me think that if Operation Fit and Fabulous is going to work then I am going to have to commit to it fully.

DON'T judge me okay guys I really need your support in this:

Chest 36”

Waist 34 ”

Hips 40”

Thigh 26”

Energy 5/10

Positivity 5/10

This is horrible for me... I am 20 years old and a physical failure and I hate it so much. But like I said in my previous post: I'm starting Volleyball and Badminton and going to start running around campus: This should by rights help me lose weight right?! :O

Anyway these are my sexy new running trainers:

My babies! =D

Well any tips for me let me know! :) After all, a new exercise regime was on the Single Girl's To-Do List!! ;)


  1. Wit woo look at those trainers!! Well done for being brave and posting your measurements, I know it's really hard to put yourself out there. Also, just so you stop beating yourself up about the running thing, it's LOTS harder to run outdoors than on a treadmill so actually 20 minutes without stopping is pretty great. Huggles and cuddles gorgeous lady xx

  2. I used to run 3 times a week just for stress release outdoors, but now I can't even do that... =/ I've let myself get so out of shape!! =(
    But thank you my lovely, it's nice to know I'm not alone! =)

  3. No one's judging you lady! These measurements are absolutely nothing to be ashamed of and are pretty close to mine - I think mine are actually a little bigger. The important thing is that you're taking the opportunity to get fit again and feel better in your own skin - and the numbers you are shouldn't determine whether you're an 'acceptable' size. It's about how you feel!

    Good luck with the running and look forward to seeing how you get on :)
    Laura (fellow OFAF-er) x

  4. Well done for posting your measurements! I still haven't posted mine and I don't think I'm brave enough to either so well done!

    Starting up back on campus is always so hard and reading your post I felt as if I could have written it myself. Don't worry, everyone else is nervous too, even if they seem at ease! Happiness isn't determined by size, don't let any qualms about your body or measurements (which, by the way, are in no way bad!) get in the way of enjoying yourself.

    Behind you every step of the way! #operationfitandfabulous xxxx

  5. GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK!!! You are no-where near a 'physical failure' - for a start, you can run 20 minutes outdoors, facing wind, rain, uneven pavements, slight hills (which really kill) etc - it's so much harder than a treadmill and you can do it for 20 minutes - that's an achievement. Emma Bunton was proud when she'd worked up to 20 mins on a treadmill! Also, it's not all what's on the outside, you are a lovely, strong, compassionate human being who has already proved herself in so many ways - whatever the media suggests, no-one was ever loved for their looks (and if they were, it didn't last very long). You need to be a little nicer to yourself. Ok, so maybe you want to work on your fitness - great! But have it as something you want to aim for, not as a stick to beat yourself over the head with! You will get there, but progress will be gradual and you won't really see much of a difference for about 4 weeks. Celebrate each little achievement - if you can afford it, put 50p or £1 in a jar for each completed workout or day when you didn't eat junk, then, at the end of a week or two, spend it on a new nail varnish, lipgloss or downloading some new tunes! If you can, do the same for each assignment completed too, or each piece of reading, that way you're looking forward to the reward, not abusing yourself for the slip ups! You can and will do this - you've done so much already, but you must be nicer to yourself, honestly, you're a lovely person!

  6. awwwwwwwwwwww :') that just made me tear up... thank you! =3 That is such a good idea =) I am gonna start RIGHT NOW (seeing as I've finished some french and been for a run) I don't thiink it helps that I left my anti-depressants at home... praise for my parents and their car!! =P I'm trying to be nicer to myself but I just can't help it sometimes I just get so frustrated with my lack of ability! But thank you this means so much to me me! =) xx

  7. Elizabeth Shaw xx14 October 2011 at 01:38

    Cate shut it i cant run for 20 mins outside!!! I went fencing tonight, and nearly collapsed after the so called 'warm up jog' going around the lake! Looked like a right muppet.... (It only got worse when I put on the fencing gear... ill explain about the plastic boob protectors when i see you.... it was a right laugh!!!)
    And as for the 50p idea i think its cool! At the mo i have to pay 50p to my lecturer every time i use the term Russia rather than Soviet Union or whatever..... not nearly as satisfying!
