I have met some truly inspiring people this year who make me want to do better but also make me believe I can do better! And in light of the fact that I am moving to France in a couple of weeks, I decided that it was time for a fresh start and a fresh focus on things...........
Karate World Champion Vicky Panetsidou.
So I wanted to talk about how people these days seem to overlook the importance of dedication to the things we do and love in life!
I mentioned that I want to focus on my studies... It takes a lot for a person to get out of bed every day and get to class or work and this is something I really need to do more of. Occasionally you could say that missing one day won't hurt but soon, one day becomes another and another etc. So it's important to stick it out and dedicate yourself fully because the pay off at the end is definitely worth it!
I have to dedicate a lot of time to my running in order to reach my goals... Running and fitness take a lot of perseverance but the rush I get knowing I smashed through a personal best or went further than I ever have before is undescribable!
And finally there's my karate... I have met so many inspiring people from my own Sensei to all the other karate teachers in the club and many international competitors. I love the discipline, focus and self-confidence it gives you. The karate club I belong to, LVKA Karate, has such a great atmosphere and I can honestly say that I am gutted to have to leave to go to France so soon after starting. It really is like a family there, where the older kids help the younger ones, the courses and competitions give the members (adults included) something to work towards and with the holiday coming up, I only wish I could go!
So in a bid to not quit before I've really begun, I have set myself a goal of becoming a green belt at shotokan karate by the time I return home next summer! I will have the focus and discipline to reach my goal, I will have the confidence to believe in myself but most of all I will have the dedication to come back better at Karate than when I left... And with a dojo available in Lyon you can garauntee I will be there practising my kata and training like a fiend every week!
These days it is more unusual to find people who are dedicated to uni or work or a hobby, but dedicating yourself to something really can be truly rewarding!!
Things I am Dedicated to:
1) My studies- I will do what it takes to graduate!
2) Running- someday the thought of a full marathon might actually be a possibility!
3) Karate- what a sport and I wouldn't have to get my younger siblings to save me from any bullies!*
4) My Blog- I may not update all the time but I would be lost without you guys!
5) Only Young Drivers- The other blog I write for: is my break into the world of writing!
6) My Family- They always come first and they mean the world to me!
7) My friends- like my second family, I put everything I have into my friends... even the ones in Colombia and Sweden!
* Just kidding; karate should only ever be used for self-defense, not for attacking people or you can lose your licence!
What things deserve dedication in your life; hobbies, work or family, I'd love to know in the comments! :)
[…] may have mentioned a couple of days ago The Importance of Dedication but the fact of the matter is, the more you do it, the more you love it!!! And without putting in […]