Saturday 1 December 2012

December has Arrived

It's December!!!!! It's the most wonderful time of the year and the countdown has officially begun! I am so excited and this picture is one that I found in late December last year... Yes I know I've saved it all this time just so I could use it on my blog this December. You can stop calling me a total saddo now-- I honestly can't believe it's taken you until now to notice! ;)

Ahhh that picture has something magical about it. Much like the month of December. It really is my favourite time of the year and I love every second, right down to the part where me and  my sister try to kill each other in the kitchen on Christmas Day! :P Honestly, if she just let me make the lemon and basil mayonnaise in peace then there wouldn't be a problem! :D

Seriously though, I love coming home from the icy cold and taking of my gloves so that my fingers tingle. I love hunkering down in my slippers with a book and a HUUUGE cup of something warm! I love staring at the Christmas tree and getting lost in the lights, imagining my little brother and sisters face when they see that Santa has been! This year is the first Christmas (and birthday) I will have a "significant other" which is a bit of a strange concept for me. Actually the whole having a significant other is a bit strange for me as I'm not exactly practised at it!

So is being in a relationship at Christmas really a big deal? In a nutshell: NO.

It's nice to have someone to make you hot chocolate and kiss you under the Mistletoe but it isn't the be all and end all of the season. In fact my favourite part of the Christmas season is actually the things you can do in the run up to the Big Day. Having had my fair share of Single Christmases I'll let you in on a secret: You can make the most of the festive cheer with friends and family! If you dwell on the fact that you're single then you'll turn suicidal within minutes! :O

Here are my top things to do in the Festive Season (that you can do with your man, on your own or with family and friends):

❄ Decorating the Christmas Tree: this is a great one to do with or without people. Crack out the Christmas anthems and pull out the decoration box and get creative. Everyone has a different style of Christmas taste so make your home your very own Santa's Grotto! :)

 This is my Living Room!

❄ Go decoration shopping. It sounds really lame and that's because it probably is but going to your local Garden Centre to look at their decorations scene is always a festive pick-me-up! I like Van Hague's Christmas Grotto full of sparkly lights and hand crafted decorations. They even have an ice skating rink, Santa's Grotto and various other attractions great for singletons, couples and families.

❄ Make Chris-tingles. Get your Satsumas out, grab your cocktail sticks, and accessorize with some red ribbon and Dolly Mixture and literally go crazy! Christmas songs are always a must when taking part in Christmas activities. Just zone out and soak up the atmosphere.

Last years Christ-Tingles!

❄ This one is for couples: Dot Mistletoe about your house! It's something sweet for you both, when you look up and see the mistletoe you get to steal a kiss!  And if you are single, it's a sneaky way to lure someone in with a cheeky peck on the lips at your Christmas Party! ;)

❄ Christmas Baking! Everyone can cook if they can read a recipe! Buy yourself some ready roll pastry and a jar of Mincemeat and you can crack out some Mince pies in no time! :) If you're feeling adventurous then maybe invest in some fruit cake ingredients and a bottle of brandy and bake yourself your very own Alcohol soaked Christmas cake (it was first on my Christmas list of priorities!)  :P

❄ Christmas Movie Marathon: Oh you know I'm talking the likes of Miracle on 34th Street, The Polar Express and Arthur Christmas. Stock up on popcorn, hot chocolate and mince pies because this one is for anybody who wants an excuse for a slob day! What other excuse is there to eat junk and do nothing? ;)

❄ Plant yourself on the sofa with a Christmassy book, a cuppa and settle down. My favourite book for Christmas time is "Giant Under The Snow" by John Gordon. It's not centered around Christmas directly but it's full of adventure and fantasy. I first read it over the Christmas period when I was 12 and it was seasonal-must every year after that! :)

Have you got a favourite Christmas Story?!

So you see, Christmas doesn't have to be lonely or depressing! If you surround yourself with the people and things you love then you are sure to have a wonderful Christmas! :)

My favourite things about Christmas are Fairy Lights and Mistletoe because of the tale behind it... But that's a story for another time! ;)

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