Sunday 15 April 2012

5 Things To Smile About in Sassy Land ☺

It's an exciting time in Sassy Land at the moment with things unravelling to some pretty awesome events in the near future... Here are my 5 things to smile about right now!


1. ♥ Valencia: I am heading to this sunny spot for a whole 4 weeks this summer as a compulsory part of my university course for this year! ... Who wouldn't be excited about that?!

2. ♥ The Oxford Half Marathon for The Blurt Foundation: I wanted to make this the year where I took on my biggest challenge yet... and this really is it!


3. ♥ I'm moving to my beautiful flat with my friend Hannah in September... It's beautiful and I get my own bathroom... And a double bed! Me, excited? Nahh... Okay, well just a little! ;)


4. ♥ Le Blog: It's getting serious now people. And without you complete Bad Asses reading it then I'd be nowhere...


5. ♥ SUMMER SUMMER TIME: So for the first time in years (since I was in primary school) we actually have April Showers in er, well April! :D

Which gives me hope that we might actually get summer during summer! Hmm... A girl can dream! If not then I am off to Valencia ;) It's a tough life but someone's gotta do it! :P


Glitz and Glamour at the Summer Ball 

So I was wondering what to do about the summer ball! It's a big event, with bumper cars and rides etc, but the big question is: What do I wear?? 

This dilemma only vexes me slightly as I'm going in my hippie gear, but do I buy something new, trousers or dress or hair and accessories?? I am wearing wedges, but do I wear one of my hippie dresses or these bad boys:

I know they are beach trousers, but with some black shorts underneath and a black top with hair and accessories to match, they could be amazeballs!

I am also tempted to wear one of my hippie dresses that I already own and have my hair done instead: Having dip dye blonde wavy hair and blinging up my outfit with some shit hot accessories... :D

What do you guys think? Comments muchly appreciated! :)


  1. Show us the dress, then we can give you our opinion :P And just in case you haven't noticed, I love your blog ahah! xxx

  2. Ahh I will but I don't have a picture yet: the dress is still at uni and I'm not back until next week! :P

    Aw thank you... Sometimes I feel like I'm talking into space but it's good to know you are enjoying it! :)

    Muchos Love x

  3. I like the hippy trouser idea for a nice night out, but probably a dress for the summer ball since i think its kinda black tie, and with your hair done you'd look so pretty :) <3
