Thursday 10 November 2011

Running Riot!

Okay so I've picked up running and rather than dive in head first I have been following the Zest 60 Second plan, and you know what? It's ace! I hated running. I really honestly hated it after I got thrashed in the 800m race at school when I was 15. It was humiliating and it hurt like nothing before. And to be honest with you, I've avoided it ever since, I will jog my way to the bus stop if I have to, I will happily play badminton or ride my bike but running? No thank you!

So why running........?

But it is almost the end of week 1 and you know what-- it was really easy! It was fun, it went much faster than I expected and I found out that I can run more than I realised (outdoors too) So for me, week 1 has been a complete success! I feel exhilarated and although I'm probably not, I feel fitter. The endorphins definitely don't suck and I find that rather than feeling worn out after a run, I am extremely proud of myself and more positive about life. This is definitely a bonus; with depression knocking at my door lately, maybe running could be the thing to send it packing!

There was only one downfall to my run: I HATE MUD!! It's slimy and wet and you can never be too sure if you accidentally got dog mess instead of just mud... It makes me feel sick! So I have done the only thing I could think of: leaving my poor babies which are caked in mud, until they dry out... And in the meantime I have sought out a new running route that neither involves mud or dog mess!! :D

Operation Fit and Fabulous week 8 is to laugh more... This is also on my Single Girl's To-Do List. So as a result of my running and thus increased (only a little) self-esteem, I am allowing myself to go out and have fun with my friends. After all, my doctor said to focus on NOW, right? So I'm gonna live in the here and now and have a little fun-- especially as I've finished my uni work for this week!! :P

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