Sunday 21 August 2011


Get in!!!!!! I actually passed my A-Levels AND got into university!! :D :P I am sooo excited it's unreal. So I worried ALL night on Wednesday, to the point where Elizabeth made me watch 27 Dresses and The Ugly Truth, while she went to sleep.... The wait was on!

I eventually fell asleep at about 2.30am, only to wake up at 6.30!!! I couldn't sleep anymore and so I went downstairs to turn on the laptop, and low and behold UCAS track wouldn't let me log in. Then my friend from work told me to refresh the page because he'd just logged in!

Being the intelligent person that I apparently (according to the grades) am, I of course have zero common sense! So there I am on the "choices" page looking at the selection I'd made: declined, insurance and what should have been Conditional. Except it now said unconditional!! What in gods pyjamas did that mean???? Going between facebook and UCAS I navigated my way back to the welcome page (because, yes, I really am that bad with technology!) where it said: Congratulations, your place at the University of Essex has been confirmed. AHAHAHAHA SO HAPPY!!!! I ran upstairs and shouted at Elizabeth (who jumped right outta her skin--sorry chick!) and screamed that I got in!!!! Then we proceeded to jump up and down on the bed squealing with excitement and tears, on my part, like complete planks!! So after calling my parents in Greece and all the other family members and friends, me and Elizabeth went to the town. Annnddd when I got home my acceptance letters from both Essex Uni AND ucas were waiting for me!!! :D

Then I went to my sisters for dinner and had a really tasty meal, before she made my hair go awesomely waved with her barrel waver! Then it was back to mine because it was PARTY TIME!!!!!! :D and I did everyone's make up and we looked ace! Town was good as EVERYONE was out celebrating, only bad thing was that the better nightclub was shut so we had to go to the "sister club". :P

Rolling home at 3am, we ate pot noodles and cookies! Before going to bed at about 3.30am (Coz we're hardcore like that!) Friday was interesting and consisted of sleep, more cookies and films! :) I swear I will look like the size of a house by the time the family comes home from Greece!!

And then Saturday and Sunday was work! But on a plus note I got to hand in my notice: 3 years is long enough thanks!! :P And after work came the housework and holiday packing!! :) and okay... well most of my uni wardrobe!! Hehe so excited it's silly now!! Just waiting for my accommodation address to come through!! :D

Uni Mess!
The Carnage that was my Living room!

Oh yeah and I trashed my living room by bringing the contents of my wardrobe downstairs to sort it out!! :P

1 comment:

  1. Haha i can still feel myself jumping out of my skin when i think about it! But it was worth it! Less than a month till uni!!
