However this year is the year I want to take my blog pro and see how far it goes. People keep telling me that I have a quick-witted and appealing writing style that others can identify with (my low self-esteem will always argue this) so maybe I do have what it takes to play with the big boys?! All I can do is to try my best and see where the road takes me.. After all, what is life without risks right?!
This year, I want to focus the blog more on fitness, fashion and lifestyle and a little less on my personal struggles... As fascinating as I'm sure my life is, I feel that this year I need to take some time out and deal with my issues in private and I know you guys are awesome enough to support me! :)
I have already kicked of my very first fitness event: the "Get Sassy Challenge" and have a Christmas haul and MAC make up review in the works for you! Not to mention all the silly things I do like bumping a car into a fence post............. I panicked okay??? ;)
So here is to the future: may it be eventful, fashionable and sassier than ever!
P.S How's it going with the challenge? You don't have to run that mile straight, if you're just starting out, try 30 second intervals, walking for a minute between each run and see how quickly you get around that 1 mile! I promise you'll surprise yourself! :D
im self hosted... its ok... but i loved blogging either way!