Okay so the round up of weeks 7-9 of Operation Fit and Fabulous is due: so here goes...
Friday, 18 November 2011
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Running Riot!
Okay so I've picked up running and rather than dive in head first I have been following the Zest 60 Second plan, and you know what? It's ace! I hated running. I really honestly hated it after I got thrashed in the 800m race at school when I was 15. It was humiliating and it hurt like nothing before. And to be honest with you, I've avoided it ever since, I will jog my way to the bus stop if I have to, I will happily play badminton or ride my bike but running? No thank you!
So why running........?
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Catch 22...
Firstly, let me apologise for my absence.. although now you should be much more fond of me! So, I am sorry I haven't posted in what seems like months. Secondly, let me explain why.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
It's a Boy-Girl Thing
When we're young everything is centered around looking our best to impressed... Boys in particular. Now I have never been that girl, the one that cakes on the make up and dresses in the clothes that she thinks will impress the most boys. The girl who flirted and gave guys what they wanted... No I was never ever that girl.
Friday, 21 October 2011
Operation Fit and Fabulous!
So for the last couple of weeks we've been setting out on our little missions and here it the basic round- up of how I've been doing...........
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Reasonable Doubt
So it's not news that I've started running. And so far it's going really really well, I've already managed 2 sessions of interval training round by the lake on campus. Kitted out in my rainbow running gear: (Red top, blue trainers, green earphones) I pushed myself for a full 30 minutes of interval training.
This is a massive achievement for me... But not everyone is so sure!
This is a massive achievement for me... But not everyone is so sure!
The Beautiful Campus Lake! |
Saturday, 15 October 2011
The Stride of Pride (not the drunken one!)
Today I received an email telling me that my beautiful beautiful Nike trainers had been dispatched, which means they will be with me by next week!! Not only that but I invested in some running capris and full length joggers (for badminton and volleyball) from Next today and will be donning my new gear tomorrow after mid-day.
Friday, 14 October 2011
Setting Tongues Wagging!
It appears that us Operation Fit and Fabulous are a topic of conversation among ourselves. As we update our progress in OFAF, it seems as if there are a few rushes of emotions, all different and all equally important. I've just read a blog by @ali_edgar (http://ali4edgar.wordpress.com/) and it seems we've set tongues wagging and thoughts spiralling.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Hitting Myself Hard!
Okay so the title makes me sound self abusive and apparently I am... just not physically. This week around campus I've notice more and more girls who seem really happy.. But are nowhere near my size. So I figured what better way to motivate myself to get off my backside and DO something than to spend £60 on the campus gym and £70 on a new pair of running shoes? Let's face it: no student is crazy enough to spend that kind of money without putting it to good use! I mean really that's £130 I could waste if I didn't use it!!!
Finally Fitting In!
So after a tough few days of feeling awkward and not really having many friends, I finally fitted in at university. I went to some talks and welcome meetings for my course and here I met some lovely people, especially Emily. :)
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Me and Emily |
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Welcome to the Vlogging World!
Okay so last night I found inspiration for my blog... A VLOG!!! Yes I know I'm 20 I'm supposed to know all about new media technologies etc etc, However I am a technical dunce!
So Vlogging, what is it? Basically it's a video blog. Rather than typing it up, you say it and film yourself and post the video....

So Vlogging, what is it? Basically it's a video blog. Rather than typing it up, you say it and film yourself and post the video....
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Fitting into Campus Life...
So I moved to uni on sunday and my room looks all cool and homey! I have pictures up and posters on the wall etc but somehow none of it feels right. I don't feel homesick but it's hard to fit in. When I look out of my window I see all these other freshers with groups of people that they seem like they've known forever and I can't help but wonder why don't I have that?
my new home ... |
Monday, 26 September 2011
Inspiration and All That Jazz!
So I was thinking today about the Run To The Beat half marathon and all the lovely women who completed it! I thought about how amazing they are for being able to do that, having the courage and discipline, all the training they went through in order to take part and how I currently could never do something so amazing... Or could I?

Saturday, 24 September 2011
My Life in Boxes
It's exactly 8 days until I fly the nest and move to university. Most of my life is in boxes and suitcases and little things I keep thinking I must NOT forget! Photographs and frames, posters and other little things that make my room at home mine.... But packing is just so hard!!

Friday, 23 September 2011
All's Hair in Love and War!!
Have you ever felt like ripping your hair out because let's face it, it just won't go right?! Like many of us women (and lovely gents) my hair is my pride and joy and when it won't stay in a style or is just looking a bit dull then that is it-- I hate it! There have been tears and tantrums over the years and money frittered away on products left, right and centre!

Imedeen Me Up!
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Feeling Fabulous!
I've just had my hair cut and I feel AMAZING! Really. I've been growing my hair from a short bob that I had cut in (due to too much hair-dying) way back in April 2010 and it is now just past my shoulders and at a length I really love, so I thought I'd get a bit more of a style cut into it! Now I feel fabulous.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Operation Fit and Fabulous!
If You Could See Me Now...

Recently I've been running into a lot of people from my school years. Especially a LOT of the people who bullied me and I have to say the look on their faces when they bumped into me was classic. Now I know I'm not the worlds prettiest or most popular-- never have been never will be-- but I know I'm not dog rough, in fact I think I'm pretty average, so to see them double take made me laugh. Here's why.........
Cocktails at Dusk followed by Lush!
Like I said: Cocktails at Dusk... Although really you can have cocktails whenever you feel like these days! But here is the low down on the few cocktails I splurged on over my holiday...

Monday, 19 September 2011
Go Team!
After my holiday, I was amazed that I only put on 2lbs!!! Shocker right?! So I put it down to all the swimming I was doing. So now I have a plan...

Sunday, 18 September 2011
Masquerade Ball Preparation!
SOO basically like I have posted before I'm going to the masquerade ball during freshers week. And I have decided to funk it up a bit....

Last Day, Epiphany of The Single Girl and a Hint of Honesty!
The last of my holiday updates........

Holiday Update- Days 4-6!
Some more holiday updates.........

Friday, 16 September 2011
Holiday Update- Days 1-3!
So it's my third day in Turkey and I'm already super brown! ... Albeit a tad burnt around the edges, but to be fair only a little pink so nothing that won't go gorgeously LA-ish!
Here's a round up of my holiday...........

Here's a round up of my holiday...........
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
My Fav Holiday Tunes (atm) =P
Okayyy here it is the low down of my holiday playlist................

Busting out The Holiday Tunes!!
Just had a look at the weather in Turkeyyyy!!!!!!! :D Its 30 degrees c plus!! Wheyyy I am coming back so tanned (without skin cancer) its gonna be ace! AND my Swedish friend Linnea is definitely coming with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited: we haven't seen each other in 2 years!! Which is complete madness and we can never let it go this long ever again, but we are going all outs toTurkey and it is going to be a week of chilling by the pool, with a book and a drink and going to the beach and larking about like complete planks in the sea! ^_^ I am unbelievably happy right now! :)

Sunday, 4 September 2011
Welcome to the World of Unemployment!
So that's it. I've handed in my notice and finished my last day at work...
Monday, 29 August 2011
Pre-Holiday Panic!
Sooo I'm a little worried about my holiday. My friend Lilli has a back problem and her back recently played up, causing her a lot of pain. She says she's fine to come on holiday but I can't help but think she might end up pulling out of the holiday last minute. I know this wouldn't be her fault but I can't deny that I'd be majorly disappointed! Plus I know that this holiday, along with other stuff has put a strain on her relationship as her partner isn't happy with her coming on holiday with me to Turkey... or even in England! Which I don't understand but hey I don't wanna cause her any problems so I suppose if she doesn't come because of that I will understand... it's not personal to me-- it's just something they have to sort out between them!

Besides, if she does cancel, Shonni said she will come with me! :D
I'd like Lilli to go, but if she can't Shonni is just as good! ;)
Besides, if she does cancel, Shonni said she will come with me! :D
I'd like Lilli to go, but if she can't Shonni is just as good! ;)
Birthday Boogie!
Sunday was my lovely niece's birthday and she was 5!! Seems just like yesterday that she was born! So here's a round up of the day.
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It's been 4 years since I made this for Roo! |
Monday, 22 August 2011
Work Work Oh and Work!!
So this weekend I handed in my notice at work. I was actually a bit nervous about it: I've been working ever since I was sixteen, I have no idea what I'm going to do without that structure! I need it!! :O

Sunday, 21 August 2011
Get in!!!!!! I actually passed my A-Levels AND got into university!! :D :P I am sooo excited it's unreal. So I worried ALL night on Wednesday, to the point where Elizabeth made me watch 27 Dresses and The Ugly Truth, while she went to sleep.... The wait was on!
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
I hate admitting I'm wrong.....
So I took into account want Mr Arrogant said and thought I'd try taking up his advice.... So I let go and managed to free fall into... Well into a lot of fun! :D
Monday, 15 August 2011
Just to Clarify...
Someone asked me tonight if I was in love with Mr Arrogant because of what I said in my Words of Wisdom post. Let me assure you that I am not in love with him, (sorry to disappoint Mr Arrogant but I am kinda not interested!) and we are just very good friends. After 8 years of knowing him, how could we not be close? I will be honest, maybe five or six years ago, I totally had a thing for him-- arrogance is attractive-- but those feelings fizzled out a long time ago, like 4 years ago!
So sorry to burst your bubble amigos but for now, I am still waiting on the platform for the golden ticket! ;)
On an entirely different note...
So sorry to burst your bubble amigos but for now, I am still waiting on the platform for the golden ticket! ;)
On an entirely different note...
Caught on Camera: Mid-Laugh! |
The Bitter Past..
So while we're on the subject on self-actualization and reading into our personalities I should probably explain a little about the problems I've had in the past....

Words of Wisdom
So it's 4am and I have been awake since 8am the day before and I've been to work and I'm shattered but somehow I've spent all night talking to a guy from school, Mr Arrogant. Except tonight I saw the part of him that almost never comes out to play, sure he acts like he's a tough guy but I don't know I think today we gave each other some wise words...

Sunday, 14 August 2011
Choices Choices!
Oh my gosh I have a dilemma!!!
So my results come out on Thursday and my parents want to get me something for uni......

So my results come out on Thursday and my parents want to get me something for uni......
Number 3 on the List...
So I've picked out what I want as a tattoo, which is number 3 on my Single Girl's To-Do List. I want it on the outside of my left ankle! =) and it won't be bigger than a 10p coin, then it will have the swirly bits!! =D
What do you think???
It holds great meaning: that without darkness there is no light and without light there is no darkness because one without the other means we don't know what we are experiencing as we have nothing to compare it to!!
It's a bit like life... with the dark comes the light!!
Comment and let me know what you think!!
What do you think???
My new tat! Hopefully!! |
It holds great meaning: that without darkness there is no light and without light there is no darkness because one without the other means we don't know what we are experiencing as we have nothing to compare it to!!
It's a bit like life... with the dark comes the light!!
Comment and let me know what you think!!
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Playing The Waiting Game
Urgh, so it's 5 more days until I find out whether or not I have got my place at University and I feel physically sick just thinking about it....

Singleton Update:
I got on the scales today and it turns out I've lost almost 3lbs!! This is a shock as I only went for a run on Thursday and need to go again tonight! I am feeling pretty crappy! =/ Which isn't so good but I'm determined to do some housework and dance about to music a lot!! =D and I'm buying some GHDs so I can curl my hair!! I'm going to save up and get some brand new shiny ones!!
But check out my hair right now:
But check out my hair right now:
Curly Girly |
Thursday, 11 August 2011
The Ultimate Single Girl!
So I have come up with a plan: this definitely gives me something to do this summer! :P
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Let's Be Fabulous! |
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Shonni to The Rescue!
So my family went on holiday this week, and I was left on my larry when the stuff with the riots went down which was crazy but Shonni was here and we had an absolute blast!!
Looking back at the past week, I don't think I'd have had half as much fun, had Shonni not been here with me! She really is the mayo that holds the sandwich together!
Looking back at the past week, I don't think I'd have had half as much fun, had Shonni not been here with me! She really is the mayo that holds the sandwich together!
Us.. A little drunk at the University of Essex |
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Rock And Roll!!!!!! Iron Maiden Concert
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