Okay, so I'd never really had a whole Margarita to myself before and I personally, probably never will again! It was okay but the saltiness of it was a bit much for me and left a fairly bitter taste in my mouth, which to be honest didn't go down too well with my steak and blue cheese sauce! But that I must admit was cooked to perfection (again at the Buzz Bar).
Strawberry Cheesecake Mojito:
It's all about ice cream cocktails! This yummy number is almost a pudding to itself; with fresh strawberries and Baileys, it truly is all a girl could ask for... Other than the recipe! :P I absolutely adored this cocktail and would recommend it to anyone with a remotely sweet tooth!!
This one was everything a Cosmo should be: fruity and fun and a total must for beginner cocktail drinkers! It was classy and classic and something I just HAD to have during my holiday just once! :D
Strawberry Mojito:
This is officially my new favourite alcoholic drink! Minty, fruity with a slight tang of lime, served in a big glass (yay!) with ice and a straw-- to get it downn quicker-- It tastes SO good! This is a drink with a kick and is my new best friend! ;)
Sex On The Beach:
Not literally; that would be waayyy too much hassle (think of the sand!!) So, how to describe this drink? Hmm, sickly sweet unless like me, you have a disgustingly sweet tooth, in which case it's all just one big fruity, orangey, peachy dream in a glass! And so so delicious!
And now for the Lush stuff! I promised a review and here it is people... Deep breath in now, while you prepare to convert to the cause!! ;)
Shampoo: I Love Juicy
This beautiful product literally brings my hair to life. It not only keeps it from getting greasy but adds volume and makes my hair smell like I fell from fruit heaven! 10/10
Conditioner: Veganese
Now I'm all for my Aussie Luscious Long Deep Conditioner, but it really is too intense for me to use as a daily conditioner. So queue Veganese. This is a light conditioner with a very herbal scent. It's good for greasy hair but if like me, you have quite thick hair, then you'll need to use a larger amount. But overall I give it an 8/10
Shower Gel: Dirty Springwash
This minty shower gel is refreshing and delightfully cool, especially after a hot day in sun the sun! It leaves you feeling cool, calm and clean and totally raring to go. You feel relaxed but this product but this product will have you feeling full of energy and bursting with fragrance throughout the day! :) I absolutely adore this product and would recommend it until the cows came home... and when they got there I'd tell them to go right back to where they came from!! A solid 10/10
Perfume: Lust
This was a bit alien to me as it was a solid perfume. You literally put it on your wrist a bit like a roll on deodorant, and blend in to your skin! The smell of Lust is amazing, like jasmine (one of my favourite flowers for the scent!) on a warm summers evening. The smell is really strong but not overpowering, so you don't need a lot. I've temporarily replaced my Harajuku Lovers "Love" perfume for Lush's lustful "lust" perfume! 9/10
So now you've heard what I think about these cocktails and lush products! Let me know what your favourites are, what you'd recommend and your thoughts on what I've already reviewed!!!
OMG me and shon said a little while back we will have to attack cocktails again! and baileys have just bought out a new flavour toooooo!!!!! xxxx