Tuesday 3 December 2013

La Vie Française: it sucks!

I am currently sat in a class where the tutor expects ridiculously fast writing from you to the point where my hand cramps up in every class. I tried to take a picture of an image on the presentation and was told not to take it and yet there was no information on where I could find the image. No, in fact I'm meant to be a mind reader and must automatically know these things!! Obviously, how foolish of me!

Life here in France is summed up by this example of shittiness. Seriously, the French men I have encountered are absolute assholes whilst the women I've met are stuck up and unfriendly. The university is so disorganised that the housing co-ordinator is leaving soon and they aren't even bothering to replace him! God only knows what next years Erasmus students are going to do!!

The one thing I can say is that I have never felt so unwelcome as I do here. As soon as people find out you're English, they seem to make it a personal mission to make life as difficult as possible! You try to speak french and they act like you're speaking German or Swahili. They really just don't give a flying f*** about the Erasmus students!

So when people find out that I'm living in France they assume I'm having a fabulous time... truth is, I'd give anything to come home!

A Summary of my Time in Lyon:

* I almost arrived homeless.
* The uni didn't inform me of half my meetings in the first few weeks.
* I spent 4 weeks trying to organise my own timetable unable to find where the modules were posted because none of the administrators had a clue...
* Some asshole tried to start a punch up with me because I didn't have any cigarettes.
* I put in a shit load of effort in every class only to be made to feel it's not good enough.
* The university here have no idea where/when half the exams are so we get a few days to revise for them!!

It's brillint here isn't it?! It's such a joke and I've never felt so alone and unhappy living somewhere before but frankly I feel like Lyon and France itself truly is, the Cess Pit of thr planet! I swear the jungles of Colombia are more welcoming and accommodating than this Godforsaken shithole.....

Feeling lonely...

Just take me home!!

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