T'was the night before New Years and all through the house people were drinking... even the mouse!
I am also reflecting over 2013 as a year in general. The last year has been difficult with a relapse of depression which I will talk about in more detail in another post, a complicated flat mate, a break up and even the end of a 10 year friendship.
So given the highs and lows of the year, here is a round up of the best and worst parts of 2013 and all the lessons they taught me! :)
The Highs
- I built a stronger friendship with Shonni! :)
This has taught me that you get back what you put into your friends so treat them well and you will always have someone to laugh with and rely on.
- I widened my knowledge of culture and religion!
One of my closest friends invited me on a night out in February with her friends. They are all of Indian Asian origins and are so lovely! They made me feel really welcome, and I learnt all about Punjabi music and the Sikh religion.
- 1st All Nighter and its 1st!
I pulled an all nighter at uni for the first time since starting university and as a result I got a 1st for my Spanish Portfolio.
As you may remember I dyed my hair Cherry Red and then added some bright yellow extensions making me look Charmander!
Whilst it was fun for a while I do tend to use my hair as a distraction, so that people can't really see what a jumble I am inside!
Cate-Mander, I choose you!!! |
I went to my first music festival! Download was 100% an amazing experience and this year I am contemplating another muddy weekend of pizza, beer and camping with friends! But let's face it for a line up, Download 2013 was a corker with Slipknot, Iron Maiden and Rammstein all headlining! :D
I got a temporary job as a paid blogger, writing all about cars! Whilst it didn't last long, it did give me something cool to add to my CV!
This is a mix ball of highs and lows. I have met some incredible people in Lyon and have fulfilled a life long dream of living in France... However, I have also discovered that the French are not the friendliest and don't really like each other and that I personally no longer want to live in France!
The Lows
- I lived with Someone Complicated
I lived with a girl who for me, I suppose was a bit too immature for me to deal with. As a result things got very unhappy in our flat and triggered my second bout of depression.
- I gave a relationship a go...
But it didn't work out. In the end we were just too different and I wasn't in the right place emotionally to even be in a relationship, thanks to the perils of depression. Luckily we were friends before and stayed friends afterwards so I feel very thankful to have such lovely people in my life.
I really struggled with all aspects of my university over 2013 and even had to retake my Spanish exam in order to pass the year.
As I said before, it's been so hard! I am not particularly happy there and have spent the last 4 months of my life eating my feelings and then kicking myself for it!!
I lost a friend I had known for 10 years this summer. She accused me of lying after I tried to stand up for some other friends. Perhaps I over reacted and then perhaps she did. Either way, at the time I felt that I didn't want that negativity in my life. I couldn't cope with that too. So maybe with the new year we can patch things up and start over?
I will miss this girl but I have to stay true to my own morals. |
Things to Look Forwards to in 2014!!!
YAYAYAY this is going to be a year of achievements for me!!! :D So let's have a round up shall we of my goals!!
1) I am learning to drive this summer!!!!!! :D
2) I plan on running the Nike Run To The Beat half marathon in London this September, not for a charity, but for the first time ever, just for me!
3) I am going to move back to England!!! (Mwah, mwah) I will never again claim that England is the cess-pit of the Earth.. France can take that title!
4) This will be the year I laugh in the face of depression! I refuse to let it beat me!
5) I am spending a week in Belper with my gorgeous cousin Lauren this June!
6) I might book a week away in Cornwall just so I can learn to surf.
7) I will round up some friends and get them into running! ;)
8) I will begin my Karate training/grading properly! :D
9) I will be a beautiful bridesmaid at my big brother's wedding!!
10) Finally I will be taking le blog PRO!! I have a consultant, photographer and designer all lined up and ready to roll!!!!! ;)
So Happy New Year to each and every one of your beauties!!! Let's make 2014 a year to remember!!
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