Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Time Out!

Given some personal circumstances that have been going on, both at home and at uni, I'm gonna be taking some time out. Only for about a week but I think it's important to switch off and unplug in order to stop me from going completely insane! I know how important it is to keep in touch with your friends and those you love but in all seriousness, sometimes you just need some tranquillity and essentially a sanctuary to clear your head of all the drama.

I wish I was going here...
I wish I was going here...

So amigos, I will be back in 1 week with a better frame of mind and a completely badass post. :)

Friday, 25 January 2013

Say NO to Domestic Violence

Me being a feminist, I'm all up for women taking the steps to empowerment. But sometimes, us ladies (and some men) can get into situations that you don't realise are detrimental to your health until the damage has been done.

I have been in this situation, I know people who have been in a similar situation and today on le blog, I just wanted to discuss the warning signs that should show red flags in your relationship, as to whether your partner could go from mental abuse to physical abuse........

We SHOULD talk about it more!
We SHOULD talk about it more!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Dipping into The Unknown

As you all know, I love to change my hair colour and pretty much sway between the reds and the blondes. I've been blonde for about a year now and I'm not going to lie, I'm bored already! :P

SO, I've been tempted to dip dye my hair since October but have been a little nervous about what it's going to turn out like. None of the home dye kits had the shade that I wanted and I can't afford a hair dresser! I've dabble in dip dye before with my hair extensions but this was my ACTUAL hair!! :O

Me with the Blonde and my blue dip dye hair extensions!
Me with the Blonde and my blue dip dye hair extensions!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Go back to the Play Pen Kids!

Where do adults get off acting like jealous, insecure teenagers? Seriously! I'm on a rant so I'll warn you now, if you treat others like you're an extra from Mean Girls then get outta ma way!!!

Don't try the BS with me...
Don't try the BS with me...

Being Realistic

We’ve all been there at some point, getting into something new, going into each run determined and then coming out feeling full of badassery and awesomeness! But then, you skip a run… Then you skip another and that long run you had planned? Yeah you’ll make it up tomorrow! Before you know it, you’ve fallen so far behind that you’re back to square one all over again and it can be hard to get back into the swing of things.

Be Pretty on Rest Days: The Book!

If like me, you've caught the running bug and have either only just started or have major burning questions about how to improve your running then I can whole-heartedly recommend the following:

Bangs and a Bun presents: Be Pretty on Rest Days (an introduction to running)


Tuesday, 8 January 2013

I have GOALS not Resolutions!

I'm a firm believer in having goals rather than having resolutions... The reason being is that every year we make our New Year's Resolutions, go full force into them and then fizzle out before the end of January.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Nike+ SportBand Review

Running is as we all know pretty difficult. It's hard to know how far we've run and what pace we've been keeping, splits, graphs, and all the other technical wotsits we're supposed to know about. But without having unlimited funds it's difficult to get hold of gadgets like the Nike+  Fuel Band or a Garmin all singing, all dancing sport watch.

Enter the Nike+ SportBand..........