My love of live rock music has been deprived since that epic Iron Maiden concert way back in August last year! And had anyone (yes, anyone) given me a job, I wouldn't be in the predicament in which I find myself....
But seriously, how do these kids afford to go to Download Festival and to Reading and to Glastonbury etc... I mean, I can't even afford a day ticket to Download, let alone go camping to all of them (despite really really wanting to!)!! So please, people tell me how, on your supposedly pitiful student loans you can afford to go to festival after festival, without a weekend job and still afford to have an amazing social life! I would really like to be in on this secret!
So next year, I WILL be going to Download and if I have any extra money, I will be going to some other festival too (because I've never been to one and I really really want to go! -Have I made my point yet?) I was hoping to make 2012 the year, but alas, i have rent to pay and food to buy and unlike everyone else I know, I don't have money to burn!
I have a whole wardrobe of festival gear to bust out at the first opportunity, naturally, as I have clothes for every and any occasion!
So guys, I know you love me, and feel free to donate the £200 it's going to cost to send me to my first ever festival (that -you guessed it- I really really wanna go to!)
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