Thursday, 25 July 2013
Karmic Powers and Other Such Stuff!
Now I'm a firm believer in Karma. You get back what you put out there: 3 fold. So basically be nice and people will be 3 times nicer back... Be a total bitch and people will return the favour times three. So please let me just remind you that if you find yourself alone, with no friends left and feeling hard done by then the chances are, you've brought some of that on yourself!! SUCK IT UP!
Monday, 22 July 2013
Life is your Blank Canvas
Just a little picture I stumbled across tonight...
I love it because:
- Life is a blank canvas with which we can do anything!
- It shows that you should never be afraid to take a stab at something-- if you don't try it will never work out!
- Drawing/ designing your life is a freedom like no other-- every choice you make is another stroke of the pencil!
Have you guys seen any inspiring pictures lately?? :)
Sunday, 21 July 2013
The Value of Friendship
Friday, 19 July 2013
Only Young Drivers
Guess what!!!! I'm going to be writing for MONEY!! Yeahh man! I'm going to be an actual writer! Don't get me wrong this blog is my pride and joy but to actually get paid to write things down is a blooming miracle!

Friday, 12 July 2013
Say No To Starbucks..?
Now we all know I'm like a crack addict when it comes to my coffee-- I don't care where I get it as long as I get my fix!!! So imagine how thrilled I was to hear that my uni was suggesting a STARBUCKS ON CAMPUS!!! Oh my gosh, double skinny tall caramel machiato wotsits would be coming out of my ears when I returned to uni-- excitement doesn't even cover my sentiment to a PROPER coffee shop on campus!
Saved by Starbucks on Oxford Street! |
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Fashion Snaps: Wild Wild West!
With summer looming (in the far far FAR distance!) shops are cracking out the sales left, right and centre so that the bag we've had our eye on for weeks is now 70% off and those shoes we really don't need but desperately want because, let's face it: who doesn't need velvet peep toe wedges in magenta?!
The only problem is that you are not the only one with these thoughts! So it's clear that things are gonna get nasty...
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Fashion Snaps: I <3 Keira Knightly!
Now I don't often have celebrity idols/crushes but one that I have had for a VERY long time, solidly is Keira Knightley! I love most things about her such as her style, her gumption and her fashion. I think she's very talented and rather humble, which makes her good at what she does and generally a nice person!
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