Wednesday, 27 June 2012

It's a Plan Stan!!

TRAINING IS HARRRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Half Marathon Lark is no joke.. I already knew that but things are really starting to sink in as training is becoming more and more difficult, so I have come up with a plan which means I will actually be able to run the MAJORITY of the race and FINISH it whilst still breathing! :D Win- win right?!


Friday, 15 June 2012

Sponsored To RUN IT OUT!!!!

Hey beautiful followers (yes I'm buttering you up but let's face it, my mama raised me to tell the truth!),
As you could have picked up on from previous posts, if not you certainly will from this one, I'm going to run a half marathon in October...

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Welcome to A Twisted Tale at The Summer Ball ♥

Sound the alarms and ring out the bells!!! EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!! Sorry for what seems to me (as it probably does to you) to be longest absence in the whole history of man! But when revising for exams takes precedence and us students actually remember why we started University to begin with, we tend to become hermits! BUT I am back (Was that a "hurrah!" I heard you scream?)!! :P